I am trying to create a SPARQL
query that performs the logarithm function on the returned results. I have implemented the Jena SPARQL engine in my java program, but have only been able to find these available functions : http://jena.sourceforge.net/ARQ/library-function.html
Does anybody know of a way to take the logarithm (preferably the natural log) of a SPARQL
return variable?
Example query that works:
SELECT DISTINCT ((?Transactions_Num) AS ?BusinessValue)
WHERE {{?BusinessProcess relation:Transactions_Num ?Transactions_Num ;} }
Example of query that I want to work (though currently does not):
SELECT DISTINCT (LOG(?Transactions_Num) AS ?BusinessValue)
WHERE {{?BusinessProcess relation:Transactions_Num ?Transactions_Num ;} }
Thanks you very much for the help in advance!
Log isn't part of the standard or ARQ's additions, however it's very easy to write your own.
package app;
public class log extends FunctionBase1
public log() { super() ; }
public NodeValue exec(NodeValue v)
return Math.log(v.getDouble());
The easiest way to register it is like this:
FunctionRegistry.get().put("http://example.org/function#log", log.class) ;
You can then use it like this:
PREFIX myfun: <http://example.org/function#>
SELECT DISTINCT (myfun:log(?Transactions_Num) AS ?BusinessValue)