I need to implement a custom switch in a project. Currently what I have found is that we cannot alter with UISwitch in way to implement as shown in below image. I've followed posts and googled through stackoverflow and other blogs but didn't found a solution as desired. One way is to go with UISegmented control as in this post, but that too doesn't solves my problem.
Thanks in advance for any help
It's not hard to create your own switch. A UISwitch is a control — essentially just a view that sends a message — with two states. You could set it up your own custom control like this:
container view: a simple view with rounded corners (set the cornerRadius
of the view's layer) and a background color
left image: an image view that displays the image you want to show on the left side, i.e. the check mark for your example
right image: an image view that displays the image you want to show on the right side, i.e. the X mark for your example
slider: an image view showing the slider portion of the switch, set above the other two image views
When the user taps or swipes the control, use Core Animation to move the slider to the other side of the switch and update the state of the control and do a quick fade to the background color for the new state. Send the control's action to the target.