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How to get File Format of a Drive in MAC OS in a Qt Application?

I am working on a app where I need to check the file format of the drive/SD Card (FAT 32/NTFS etc) and display it. This app is a Qt based application which I should run on both MAC and Windows. There is no Qt Api which can let me achieve the result so only I went for this approach.

This is how I achieved it in Windows:

TCHAR volumeName[MAX_PATH + 1] = { 0 };
TCHAR fileSystemName[MAX_PATH + 1] = { 0 };
DWORD serialNumber = 0;
DWORD maxComponentLen = 0;
DWORD fileSystemFlags = 0;

LPCWSTR path = deviceData->m_strPath.utf16(); //deviceData->m_strpath gives me the drive path

if (GetVolumeInformation(
         newData.strFileSystem = QString::fromUtf16(fileSystemName);

    QList m_SDInfoList;

My concern is, I am not able to find a MAC API which can give me the file format details when I connect the same drive/SD Card in a MAC machine. Please help :)


  • I've had similar problems finding osx equivalents of quite a few winapi methods. And what i've found to be the quickest solution to implement is using the commandline utilities on osx through QProcess. Its probably a lot slower then any api call would be, but if you're using it infrequently it should be fine.

    For instance:

    diskutil info /dev/disk0s2

    gives the following output

    Partition Type:           Apple_HFS

    which you can read from QProcess output.

    QProcess p;
    p.start("diskutil",QStringList() << "info" "/path/to/dev");
    foreach(QString line, QString(p.readAll()).split("\n"))
       if(line.contains("Partition Type:"))
           qDebug() << line

    Something like this should work.