I have some string data stored in a database which special characters are represented as Unicode Hexadecimal. I would like to convert the data.
Does anyone know how to do that in VBA without by replacing each special character.
e.g: The conversion I'm expecting is:
Opera\'e7\'e3o -> Operação
Thank you!
Try this sample code:
Dim myStr
Dim nStart,nLen, sTmp
myStr = "Opera\'e7\'e3o"
nStart = 0
nLen = Len(myStr)
While nStart < nLen
nStart = Instr(nStart+1,myStr,"\'")
If nStart = 0 Then
nStart = nLen
sTmp = Mid(myStr,nStart,4)
myStr = Replace(myStr,sTmp,Chr(CLng(Replace(sTmp,"\'","&h"))))
End If
MsgBox myStr
Costis Papadakis