Does anyone know how I can programmaically move a registry from HKEY_LOCAL_MCAHINE to HKEY_CURRENT_USER?
I wrote a recursive function that uses RegEnumKeyEx and RegEnumValue, but it appears that RegEnumValue returns all of the values under the top level key.
For example, if the key is HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\MyApp\KeyName1 and has 3 values under it and I have HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\MyApp\KeyName2 and that has 2 values. It looks like RegEnumKeyEx is returning the proper keys, but when I call RegEnumValue for the first Key (ie. KeyName1) i get all 5 values returned and not just the 3 under that key.
Hope that all makes sense... am I doing something wrong?
Thanks for any help
Here is a snippet, if it helps:
void CArgusApp::RecurseSubKeys(CString csStartKey)
CQERegistry reg;
CStringArray csaDataNames;
for (int j = 0; j < csaDataNames.GetSize(); j++)
CString csValueName = csaDataNames.ElementAt(j);
TRACE(csStartKey + " - " + csValueName);
CStringArray csaKeys;
for (int i = 0; i < csaKeys.GetSize(); i++)
CString csKey = csaKeys.ElementAt(i);
this->RecurseSubKeys(csStartKey + "\\" + csKey);
i.e. GetAllDataNames above simply calls RegEnumValue and GetAllSubKeys call RegEnumKeyEx.
Looking through all the registry functions, I found this: SHCopyKey or I can use this: RegCopyTree for Vista and later.
Thanks for the help.