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Sparql - Order by to return empty values last

I use AllegroGraph and Sparql 1.1.

I need to do ascending sort on a column and make the Sparql query to return empty values at the last.

Sample data:

<> <> "John"^^<>
<> <> <>

<> <> "Abraham"^^<>
<> <> <>

<> <> <>

Here I need the Sparql to return Abraham, followed by John and person3 that does not have a name attribute.

Query I use:

select ?name ?person {
  ?person <> <>.
  optional {?person  <> ?name.}
  } order by asc(?name )

Current output is person3 (null), followed by Abraham and John. enter image description here Please let me know your thoughts.


  • I don't have AllegroGraph at hand but AFAIK it supports multiple order conditions:

    select ?name ?person {
      ?person <> <> .
      optional {?person  <> ?name . }
    } order by (!bound(?name)) asc(str(?name))

    First condition sorts based on whether ?name is bound or not and if this condition does not find a difference, the second condition is used. Note the use of str() to convert rdf:XMLLiteral to a datatype for which comparison is supported.

    (You may also want to add . at the end of each row in your ntriples data.)