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How to change rad editor's background color?

Here is the coding for rad editor ,

<telerik:RadEditor ID="RadEditor1" runat="server" AutoResizeHeight="True"
Width="500px" ToolbarMode="Floating">
<ImageManager EnableAsyncUpload="True" ViewPaths="~/photos" />
<TrackChangesSettings CanAcceptTrackChanges="False"></TrackChangesSettings>

But , my rad editor's background color(1) show the background color of my page(2) . How can I change editor's background color ?

enter image description here


  • Set the RadEditor property ContentAreaCssFile to a CSS file. In the CSS file, you can define the style for the content area.

    ContentAreaMode must be set to Iframe for this to work though.

    <telerik:RadEditor ID="RadEditor1" runat="server" 
        ContentAreaCssFile="ContentAreaCssFile.css" ContentAreaMode="Iframe">