I want to sort a mulitdimensional array by the values position (can only be 1 or 0), the date and the time. The arrays with position = 1 should be first, and they should be sorted by date and time. The array with position = 0 should come after the ones with position = 1 and should also be sorted by date and time
[001] => Array
[position] => 1
[Date] => 28.04.2013
[Time] => 00:21:38
[002] => Array
[position] => 1
[Date] => 28.04.2013
[Time] => 00:27:07
[003] => Array
[position] => 0
[Date] => 28.04.2013
[Time] => 00:15:06
[004] => Array
[position] => 0
[Date] => 28.04.2013
[Time] => 00:26:09
Thats how I want the array to be after sorting:
[002] => Array
[position] => 1
[Date] => 28.04.2013
[Time] => 00:27:07
[001] => Array
[position] => 1
[Date] => 28.04.2013
[Time] => 00:21:38
[004] => Array
[position] => 0
[Date] => 28.04.2013
[Time] => 00:26:09
[003] => Array
[position] => 0
[Date] => 28.04.2013
[Time] => 00:15:06
I've tried a few functions but none of the worked right. Either the arrays with position = 1 are the last ones or all arrays just sort by date and time. I can`t figure it out by myself. Thanks in advance and sorry if my English is bad.
Where the original dataset is in an array named $array
$positions = $datetimes = array();
foreach($array as $k => $v) {
$positions[$k] = $v['position'];
$datetimes[$k] = strtotime($v['Date']. ' ' .$v['Time']);
array_multisort($positions, SORT_DESC, $datetimes, SORT_DESC, $array);
Based on comparing your data, it appears you want to sort by position DESC first, then Time (and assuming date too) DESC, so that's what this does.
Working example: http://codepad.org/exc5Dhq8