Is it possible to make use of quantifiers with bit-vectors and concatenations? To illustrate, running the following code in the newest Z3:
a = BitVec('a', 8)
b = Concat(BitVec('b', 4), BitVec('c', 4))
prove(ForAll(a, Exists(b, a == b)))
produces the following error:
BitVecRef instance has no attribute '__len__'
I have tried adding a simple __len__
method in BitVecRef
but further problems arose.
Without the Concat
, the code works as expected. For example:
a = BitVec('a', 8)
b = BitVec('b', 8)
prove(ForAll(a, Exists(b, a == b)))
outputs the correct: proved
Your example defines the value b as shorthand for a concatenation. It gets passed as the bound variable to the quantifier Exists(b, a == b). Quantifiers expect a list of basic constants, such as a, b, c below, but not compound expressions, such as d. Below is a version of your puzzle that gets processed:
a = BitVec('a', 8)
b = BitVec('b', 4)
c = BitVec('c', 4)
d = Concat(b, c)
prove(ForAll(a, Exists(b, a == d)))