DKLang is Localization package. I have an old issue when 2 or more forms of the same class aren't translated (only 1st of them is translated, others are in English). I mean forms created dynamically.
Can someone fix this? Author of DKlang doesn't respond for year.
EDIT How to see in action: demo project (6KB RAR, source only) download here. After compiling, press main button- you'll see 3 instances of sample form, 1st is localized, others 2 are not. Requires non-Unicode Delphi + TNT Unicode Controls + DKLang 3.x
Seems i found it. My fix is two new lines in TDKLang_CompTranslations.FindComponentName which are for names "Form2_1", "Form2_2"
function TDKLang_CompTranslations.FindComponentName(sComponentName: String): TDKLang_CompTranslation;
var idx: Integer;
idx := Pos('_', sComponentName); //added
if idx>0 then System.Delete(sComponentName, idx, MaxInt); //added
idx := IndexOfComponentName(sComponentName);
if idx<0 then Result := nil else Result := GetItems(idx);