I'm building a website with a custom content management system, and I want to build a slug area like wordpress. I want to retrieve the path name from my front-end depending on the page they're on, and echo that out in my backend in the slug area.
I'm using php and my front-end is dynamic, which means I have one page, and depending on what the user clicks on, I will include that file.
What I want the code to look like for the slug in the backend:
//front end path/ echo $slug;
My front-end path looks something like this: blahblah/index.php/slug-name
I have a slug stored in the database that I will echo out, but my problem is I don't know how to retrieve the front end path and echo it out in the backend. I realize I can type the front-end path manually, but I think doing it dynamically would be better incase I move my website to a different location in the future.
I've tried using pathinfo or $_SERVER but that echos out my backend path rather than my front end.
Hopefully I was clear, if not, ask me to clarify something. Thanks again.
You need the rewrite module for apache or nginx.
That allows you to do like this:
PrettyPath(This will be seen to all visitors): http://blah.com/blah/bl/ah/test
=> RealPath(This can be used for develop): http://blah.com/blah/index.php?slug=bl/ah/test
You can do beautiful job like this for using rewrite module. (Rewrite Example)