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Symfony2 DOMCrawler selectLink returns null uri

I have a problem with writing functional tests and DOMCrawler. My issue is to crawl through mail content with link. From docs i saw that the crawler can be created with html content as parameter. So this is my chunk of code:

$mailCrawler = new Crawler($message->getBody());
$linkCrawler = $mailCrawler->selectLink('Link name');

On third line I have an exception because $linkCrawler has empty $uri field. Exception message:

InvalidArgumentException: Current URI must be an absolute URL ("").

Can anyone tell me why crawler cant get that link?

I can only tell that the $message var getBody method returns correct content.



  • You need to specify root crawler url. Example:

    $crawler = new Crawler('', '');
        <!DOCTYPE html>
                <a href=\"/rel-link\">rel-link-text</a>
                <a href=\"\">abs-link-text</a>
    ", 'UTF-8');
    $cLink1 = $crawler->selectLink('rel-link-text')->eq(0);
    $l1 = $cLink1->link();
    echo $l1->getUri(); //
    $cLink2 = $crawler->selectLink('abs-link-text')->eq(0);
    $l2 = $cLink2->link();
    echo $l2->getUri(); //