Is it possible to pass an argument contains reverse name to the Django template URL tag
For example:
note: In this example
conditional_URLis not a reverse name.
urlpatterns = patterns('views',
url(r'^iframeViewURL/$', 'iframeView', name='iframeView'),
url(r'^url_a/', 'view_a', name='view_a'),
url(r'^url_b/', 'view_b', name='view_b'),
def iframeView(**kwargs):
kw = kwargs
if kw['condition']:
conditional_url = 'view_a' # name of the URL pattern
conditional_url = 'view_b' # name of the URL pattern
return render_to_response('iframe.html', {'conditional_URL': conditional_url},
context_instance=RequestContext(request, {}))
def view_a(*args):
def view_b(*args):
<iframe src="{% url conditional_URL *args %}">
I try this but it's not working because of the conditional_URL is not a name of any url pattern.
It is possible since Django 1.3 if you add {% load url from future %}
to your templatetag:
{% load url from future %}
<iframe src="{% url conditional_URL arg1 arg2 %}">
In Django 1.5 it is no longer necessary to add {% load url from future %}
See the "Forwards compatibility" in the Django Documentation for the url
templatetag for more information