Search code examples

Uppercase the first letter in data frame

Heres my data,

> data
   Manufacturers       Models
1   audi                RS5  
2   bmw                 M3  
3   cadillac            CTS-V  
4   lexus               ISF

And I would want to uppercase the first letter in the first column, like this:

> data
   Manufacturers       Models
1   Audi                RS5  
2   Bmw                 M3  
3   Cadillac            CTS-V  
4   Lexus               ISF

I would appreciate any help on this question. Thanks a lot.


  • Taking the example from the documentation for ?toupper and modifying it a bit:

    capFirst <- function(s) {
        paste(toupper(substring(s, 1, 1)), substring(s, 2), sep = "")
    data$Manufacturers <- capFirst(data$Manufacturers)
    > data
    #   Manufacturers Models
    # 1          Audi    RS5
    # 2           Bmw     M3
    # 3      Cadillac  CTS-V
    # 4         Lexus    ISF