i read a little about WebSockets, Comet, WebApi, WCF, etc and want to know the best way to create a server application wich can be read from angular js app, ios app, android app, etc.
I want to do something like facebook. The user open the page and let it stopped. After a few seconds (when database updates) the client side upateds by itself. Want to use a server side with C# and client side with angular js. Its possible?
You should try SignalR, is a library for Asp.Net to add "real-time web" functionality making use of Html5 Websockets if they are available or fall back to another Comet technique. Right out of the box SignalR provides a javascript library with a client that you can use inside an angularjs controller.
In the server side, you can implement Domain Events whenever something change in your domain then is persisted in the database and let the clients know about that change using SignalR.