I have this code to download a file from a remote machine, but I want to limit it to files that are less than 5MB.
So far the code works. but is there a better way to check the filesize before downloading?
Net::SCP.start(hname, uname, :password => pw ) do|scp|
fsize=scp.download!("#{remdir}/#{filname}").size;puts fsize
scp.download!("#{remdir}/#{filname}", "#{filname}") do |ch, name, sent, total|
File.open(lfile, 'a'){ |f| f.puts "#{name}: #{(sent.to_f * 100 / total.to_f).to_i}% complete"}
#puts "Sending : #{(sent.to_f * 100 / total.to_f).to_i}% complete"
#puts "#{name}: #{sent}/#{total}"
#print "\r#{name}: #{(sent.to_f * 100 / total.to_f).to_i}%"
Does this cause any problem if I am use it for large files?
fsize=scp.download!("#{remdir}/#{filname}").size;puts fsize
This page says the file will be returned as a string: http://ruby.about.com/od/ssh/ss/netscp_6.htm
Update: I tried SFTP aswell. first it did not work for full path to file. and secondly it did not do what i wanted. so was using scp.download!().size. i know i am doing the download twice :(
require 'net/sftp'
# did not take full path "/user/myname/filename"
Net::SFTP.start(hname, uname, :password => pw) do |sftp|
attrs = sftp.stat!("rome_desc.txt") ; puts attrs # gave # ☼ ↨?% (? '→ ??Q{ ?Qt;?
sftp.stat!(remote_path) do |response| puts response #returned no such file (2)
# but did not do below upload operation.
unless response.ok?
sftp.upload!("#{filname}", remdir)
Update:2 Solution found the solution using the the comments provided from below users and after searching the net.
Net::SFTP.start(hname, uname, :password => pw) do |sftp| #, :verbose => Logger::DEBUG
sftp.dir.glob("./#{remdir}", "#{filname}") do |entry| p entry.name
file_size=entry.attributes.size; file_size = '%.2f' % (("#{file_size}").to_f / 2**20) ; File.open(lfile, 'a'){ |f| f.puts "File size is #{file_size} mb"}
if file_size < file_size_param then
sftp.download!("#{remdir}/#{filname}", filname)
File.open(lfile, 'a'){ |f| f.puts "File size is greater than #{file_size_param} mb. so can not Download File"}
used .attributes.size to obtain the file size and perform the download operation by checking the filesize.
sftp.dir.glob("./#{remdir}", "#{filname}") do |entry| p entry.name
Your current code downloads the file, checks the size of the downloaded file (presumably to check if it is less than 5MB, but you don't actually do that), and then downloads it again. Even if you did something with fsize
, it's too late to have not downloaded it.
I'd look into the sftp gem rather than scp; it should be pretty straightforward to do what you want with sftp, but not with scp.