I'm currently looking for a template engine. For the moment I've an idea on two HandleBars and Mustache.
Mustache is a basic logic-less with many language implementation.
HandleBars are complied Mustache template. But only in JS.
I work on web app and mobile app. I use PHP and IOS/Android, I've see Mustache have implementation of each of them.
I know Handlebars is better than mustache on compilation. But in my case, i should use HandleBars or Mustache?
Or HandleBars With mustache?
I'm really lost on it...
Thank's Reading!
If your only reason for using Handlebars is compilation, there are compiling implementations of Mustache:
If you intend to use the Handlebars extensions to the Mustache syntax, there is a Handlebars implementation in PHP as well, and it seems to be pretty solid, but note that it is much slower than Mustache.php. I don't know of a Handlebars implementation in Objective-C though.
I personally went the Hogan.js + Mustache.php route, but then I'm the author of Mustache.php so I'm probably biased :)