I wrote the following DES encryption scheme in PHP . It uses a static Initialization Vector to make sure the output and input is one to one mapped
PHP code :
function encrypt($plaintext, $key)
# use an explicit encoding for the plain text
$plaintext_utf8 = utf8_encode($plaintext);
# create a random IV to use with CBC encoding
# $iv_size = mcrypt_get_iv_size(MCRYPT_DES, MCRYPT_MODE_CBC);
# $iv = mcrypt_create_iv($iv_size, MCRYPT_RAND);
# defining a constant IV to use with CBC encoding
$iv = "kritanj ";
# creates the DES cipher text
$ciphertext = mcrypt_encrypt(MCRYPT_DES, $key, $plaintext_utf8, MCRYPT_MODE_CBC, $iv);
# prepend the IV for it to be available for decryption
$ciphertext = $iv . $ciphertext;
# encode the resulting cipher text so it can be represented by a string
$ciphertext_base64 = base64_encode($ciphertext);
return $ciphertext_base64;
function decrypt($ciphertext_base64, $key)
$ciphertext_dec = base64_decode($ciphertext_base64);
# retrieves the IV, iv_size should be created using mcrypt_get_iv_size()
# $iv_size = mcrypt_get_iv_size(MCRYPT_DES, MCRYPT_MODE_CBC);
# $iv = substr($ciphertext_dec, 0, $iv_size);
$iv = "kritanj ";
# retrieves the cipher text (everything except the $iv_size in the front)
$ciphertext_dec = substr($ciphertext_dec, $iv_size);
# decrypting the DES cipher text
$plaintext_utf8_dec = mcrypt_decrypt(MCRYPT_DES, $key, $ciphertext_dec, MCRYPT_MODE_CBC, $iv);
return $plaintext_utf8_dec;
$plaintext = "The secret message is : " ;
$key = "7chrkey" ;
$ciphertext = encrypt($plaintext, $key);
echo "Encrypted: ".$ciphertext ."<br>";
$plaintext1 = decrypt($ciphertext, $key);
echo "Decrypted: ".$plaintext1 ;
Output :
Encrypted: a3JpdGFuaiB3DY63WHnE9led43FyFe53HlhUEr+vVJg=
Decrypted: The secret message is :
Now I tried to write a equivalent code in python Here is what I managed
Python code:
import binascii
def conv_sevnCharKey_to_64bit_DESkey(key):
st = bin(int(binascii.hexlify(key), 16))
st = st[2:]
des_key = ''
for i in xrange(8) :
parity = 0
sevnBits = st[i*7:i*7+7]
for c in sevnBits :
if c in '1' :
parity += 1
if parity % 2 == 0 :
eigthBytes = sevnBits + '1'
else :
eigthBytes = sevnBits + '0'
des_key += eigthBytes
n = int('0b'+des_key, 2)
DESkey = binascii.unhexlify('%x' % n)
return DESkey
from pyDes import *
plaintext = "The secret message is : "
iv = 'kritanj '
key = conv_sevnCharKey_to_64bit_DESkey('7chrkey')
plaintext_utf8 = plaintext.encode('utf-8')
# iniltalizing DES in cbc mode
k = des(key, CBC, iv)
# encrypting
ciphertext = k.encrypt(plaintext_utf8)
# prepending the IV
ciphertext = iv + ciphertext;
# encoding to base64
ciphertext_base64 = ciphertext.encode('base64','strict')
print "Encrypted: ", ciphertext_base64
# decoding base64
ciphertext= ciphertext_base64.decode('base64','strict')
# striping the IV and decrypting
plaintext_utf8 = k.decrypt(ciphertext[8:])
# decoding utf-8 (if nessacary)
plaintext1 = plaint`ext_utf8.decode('utf-8')
print "Decrypted: ", plaintext1
assert plaintext1== plaintext
Encrypted: a3JpdGFuaiD+sGHb2GfZSXDac1r6mH+JDx7535yxL9k=
Decrypted: The secret message is :
Why are the ciphertexts different? And is there a way to make sure they are identical ?
[I want to make a 'meet in the middle' attack on a text encrypted under a double DES encryption using the above php code . But since I cant recreate the encryption I cant implement the attack]
Looks like your scheme to pad the key differs from the PHP code:
from pyDes import *
plaintext = "The secret message is : "
iv = 'kritanj '
key = '7chrkey'
plaintext = plaintext.encode("utf-8")
iv = 'kritanj '
k = des(key+'\0', CBC, iv)
print (iv + k.encrypt(plaintext)).encode("base64", "strict")
In short: padding the encryption key with a NULL byte will yield the same result as your PHP code.