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Outlook macro to collect/extract data from "Subject field" of numerous messages into a text file

Our firewall users send messages requesting unblocking certain websites that they believe shouldn't be blocked. Their messages subject fields contain such websites urls. In fact, one url is sent per message. Due to the increase in number of users, hundreds or may be thousands of messages are expected to be received per day.

Is there an Outlook macro that will collect or extract such urls (from received messages subject fields) into one single text file without having to open any message?

Deeply appreciating any assistance with this matter.

Thanks in advance


  • Please write this code to your Outlook VBA module. Change some names of folders and destination file in some lines below. For other information see comments inside sub.

    Sub Retrieve_http()
    'our Outlook folder- deifinitions
        Dim myItem As MailItem
        Dim myFolder As Folder
        Dim myNamespace As NameSpace
        Set myNamespace = Application.GetNamespace("MAPI")
        'put your folders name here
        '1st one is store folder which should refer to
        'second is possibly 'inbox folder'
        Set myFolder = myNamespace.folders("").folders("inbox")
    'destination file
        Dim resFile As String
            resFile = "c:\Users\Kazik\Desktop\httpRequest.txt"
        Dim ff As Byte
            ff = FreeFile()
        'creating or opening it- each time you run this macro we will append data
        'until deletion of either file or its content
        Open resFile For Append As #ff
        For Each myItem In myFolder.items
            If InStr(1, myItem.Subject, "http://") > 0 And _
                InStr(1, myItem.Subject, "classified under:") > 0 Then
                    'write to file
                    Write #ff, myItem.Subject
            End If
        Close #ff
    End Sub

    EDIT to include appropriate deletion process and reference of the code to the picture.

    The following picture present Outlook window (Polish version) where: Business Mail is one of Top Folders (which refers to separate .pst file). 'Skrzynka odbiorcza' is just 'inbox'.

    enter image description here

    Code which searches for certain emails, retrieves subject of emails and deletes emails afterwards looks as follow:

    Sub Retrieve_http()
    'our Outlook folder- deifinitions
        Dim myItem As MailItem
        Dim myFolder As Folder
        Dim myNamespace As NameSpace
        Set myNamespace = Application.GetNamespace("MAPI")
        'put your folders name here
        Set myFolder = myNamespace.folders("Business Mail").folders("skrzynka odbiorcza")
    'destination file
        Dim resFile As String
            resFile = "c:\Users\Kazik\Desktop\httpRequest.txt"
        Dim ff As Byte
            ff = FreeFile()
        'creating or opening it- each time you run this macro we will append data
        'until deletion of either file or its content
        Open resFile For Append As #ff
        Dim i!
        For i = myFolder.items.Count To 1 Step -1
            If InStr(1, myFolder.items(i).Subject, "http://") > 0 And _
                InStr(1, myFolder.items(i).Subject, "classified under") > 0 Then
                    'write to file
                    Write #ff, myFolder.items(i).Subject
                    'delete item
            End If
        Close #ff
    End Sub