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Sync Fabric with South

When i try execute a schemamigration with south with the following code:

# coding=utf-8
from fabric.api import env, hosts, local, run, cd

def updatebd():
    local('cd /Users/gian88/Sites/www/py/WEB/web/web/ && python schemamigration principal –-auto')

When execute the fabric says the following error:

Migration names should contain only alphanumeric characters and underscores.

When use the sentences with cd, the command local not recognize the url in the sentences with cd and says the following error:

can't open file '': [Errno 2] No such file or directory


  • The solution to the problem is use the command lcd, the sentences is something like this:

    def updatebd():
        with lcd('/Users/gian88/Sites/www/py/WEB/web/web/'):
            local('python schemamigration principal --auto')