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Why is it required to return a reference from overloading bracket operators (OR: why is an lvalue not returned otherwise)?

I've tried overloading the bracket operators for a class, to make accessing the array less tedious. What I don't understand is, why is it neccesary to declare the return type of the overload function as a reference? Why is it not an lvalue to begin with?

struct particle
    double v_x;

struct particleSwarm
    int numParticles;
    particle* particles;
    particle operator[](int i) { return particles[i]; }

It returns a particle struct, so why is this not valid, unless I make the operator return a reference:

void foo(particleSwarm& swarm)
    swarm[0].v_x = 5.0;

What I don't understand is, why isn't the overloaded function already returning an lvalue? When trying to figure it out, I discovered that something like this is valid:

int* foo(particleSwarm* swarm)
    return &(swarm->numParticles);

void bar(particleSwarm* swarm)
    *(foo(swarm)) = 5;

Why is the pointer returned by foo a valid lvalue that can be dereferenced and assigned to, but not the object returned by the overload? I see how it wouldn't be if I were assigning directly to it, since I haven't overloaded =, but I'm assigning to one of it's member variables, which it seems like should be valid? I'm just having a hard time understanding, so I appreciate anyone who takes the time to help!


  • Your code

    void foo(particleSwarm& swarm)
        swarm[0].v_x = 5.0;

    will be compiled into something like

    void foo(particleSwarm& swarm)
        particle tmp = swarm.operator[](0);
        tmp.v_x = 5.0;
        // destruct tmp