I am trying to achieve slide transitions similar to JQueryMobile using AngularJS routing.
JQuery Mobile here: http://view.jquerymobile.com/1.3.0/docs/widgets/transitions/
I can try creating a directive that will leverage this solution: https://stackoverflow.com/a/13661642/524511 but wanted to ask if there is something ready-made first.
Animation support was brought to the core Angular.JS library starting version 1.1.4 (currently at stable, at the time of this update).
This is the official announcement of the release. It also embed a Youtube video demonstrating the feature:
You may try the Angular-UI stuff.
Two main components can help here:
Animate, which should do what you want directly
jQuery path-through (although this may be very tricky to put together)
If the links don't work for you, try choosing them from the "Directives" menu. They didn't seem working for me when I wrote this answer. Funny that routing doesn't work as expected in one of Angular's own sites!