Let's say i have a simple blog engine. I've posted a simple post with URL
Few days later i've noticed the typo and fix my URL
But search engines have already indexed "awesomr-post" and if somebody follow this link he'll get 404 error. There is the same issue with bookmarked pages.
So i think the post should be accepted by two links
Now i have to specify relationships somehow. What i can do
<!DOCTYPE html>
<link rel="canonical" href="http://example.org/blog/awesome-post">
page content
<!DOCTYPE html>
<link rel="bookmark" href="http://example.org/permalinks/1">
page content
Is it right solution? And should i use the canonical or permalink URL when linking from another site pages?
One of the way is to have 301 (permanent) redirect from http://example.org/blog/awesomr-post to http://example.org/blog/awesome-post