I want to install a library to my rvm gemsets
, but this library is not available using in the gem install
. I have to install it from source
I do bundle install
and it went well, except that It does not install the lib to the gemset but only the dependencies.
And I notice in the log this line
Using xxx (a.b.c) from source at .
xxx is the library itself with version a.b.c and I can only use the library when I am in the source folder.
How to force to copy the library to the gemsets folder ?
You could do one of the following:
1.: Use the :git option in your Gemfile for direct git(hub) access
gem 'gemname', :git => 'git://github.com/foo'
2.: Use the :path option in your Gemfile for local access
gem 'gemname', :path => '/path/to/foo'
3.: Install the local gem and use it in your Gemfile
# command line
gem install '/path/to/foo'
# Gemfile
gem 'foo'