Hi I need to show a flexigrid on selection of option in a drop down list, I have three options, based on the selection I need to show the appropriate felxigrid, how do I do that?
$(document).ready(function () {
$('#selectMe').change(function () {
<div id="Dialog1" class="group">
<table id="InfoFlexGrid1">
<div id=Dialog2" class="group"><table id="InfoFlexGrid2">
<div id="Dialog3" class="group"><table id="InfoFlexGrid3">
dataType: 'json',
//url: "verification_rep.json",
colModel : [
{display: 'Name', name : 'Name', width : 120,align: 'center',sortable : false },
{display: 'Roll No', name : 'RollNo', width : 150, align: 'center' },
{display: 'Description', name : 'description', width : 150, align: 'center', hide: false},
{display: 'Remarks', name : 'remarks', width : 250,align: 'center', hide: false},
{display: 'Date', name : 'date', width : 100,sortable : false, align: 'center'}
searchitems : [
{display: 'Name', name : 'Name'},
{display: 'Roll No', name : 'RollNo', isdefault: true}
{name: 'Add', bclass: 'add', onpress : test},
{name: 'Update', bclass: 'update', onpress : test},
{name: 'Delete', bclass: 'delete', onpress : test},
{separator: true}
sortname: "Name",
sortorder: "asc",
title: 'Statistical Data Report',
usepager: true,
useRp: true,
rp: 15,
showTableToggleBtn: true,
width: 400,
height: 100,
singleSelect: true,
nowrap: true
rows = new Array();
rows.push({cell: ['Sample1','Sample','Sample','2','Y' ] },
{cell: ['Sample2','Sample','Sample','2', 'Y' ] }
data = {
total: 2,
rows: rows
function test(com, grid) {
}else if(com=='Delete'){
confirm('Delete ' + $('.trSelected', grid).length + ' items?')
$('.trSelected', grid).remove();
}else if(com=='save'){
// $("#manualDatEntryDialog").dialog("open");
function procMe(com, grid) {
var gridRows = $("#InfoFlexGrid1 tbody tr");
return false;
Like this I have two more flexigrids in my page, I want to show a flexigrid on each opetion selected in the drop down list. Any idea on this?
I took div with unique id for all the grid tables.
<h1>Flexigrid Example Page</h1>
<div id="f1" style="margin-bottom:10px;">
<table id="flex1" style="display:none"></table>
<div id="f2" style="margin-bottom:10px;">
<table id="flex2" style="display:none"></table>
<div id="f3" style="margin-bottom:10px;">
<table id="flex3" style="display:none"></table>
Put options to which I want to see with an event
<select name="options" onchange="javascript:showflexi(this.value)">
<option value="0" selected="selected">Choose one</option>
<option value="1">1st Table</option>
<option value="2">2nd Table</option>
<option value="3">3rd Table</option>
Now, I have added two line of code inside the
//add class hideBody to hide the body content of the table
$('.flexigrid').attr('class','flexigrid hideBody');/*as all the grids table get flexigrid class*/
//add class vsble to mark the content is invisible
$('div.ptogtitle').attr('class', ' ptogtitle vsble'); //as all the toggle button get ptogtitle class
Now I have added the showflexi() function to do the action with Choosing the table number
function showflexi(val){
$('.flexigrid').attr('class','flexigrid hideBody');
$('div.ptogtitle').attr('class', ' ptogtitle vsble');
$('#f'+val+' .flexigrid').removeClass('hideBody');