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Why do I need vim in binary mode for 'noeol' to work?

This question is a follow up to the Work Around I use for "saving files in vim without having the newline at end of file forcibly added" annoyance.

Basically I can't use set noeol in my .vimrc because it does Nothing!

It does what it's supposed to do though if I edit the file in binary mode. (vim -b file instead of vim file)

Why is that?

Anyway to have a simple preference in .vimrc to NOT add newlines at every single file I edit?

Also, what kind of issues will I encounter if I start to edit every file in binary mode? So far I haven't seen any difference.


  • What Vim "adds" to the end of the last line in your file is the "newline" character, which should not to be confused with a "new line".

    The "newline" character or more accurately "end of line" character (<EOL>) means "whatever comes after this point must be considered to be on another line". With this interpretation — <EOL> is a line terminator — the last line of the file is effectively the last one with an <EOL>.

    The problem is that most editors and IDEs have a different interpretation — <EOL> is a line separator — and, logically, default to not add an <EOL> at the end of the last line of a new file and, when they encounter an <EOL>, add a superfluous "new line" after the real last line.

    In short, Vim doesn't add a "new line": other editors interpret (wrongly) its "newline" as a "new line".

    But you can get around that issue by doing the following: before you write your file, do :set binary noeol if you want it to stay "<EOL>-free".

    However, :h 'binary' has a lot to say about the perils of :set binary so I'd say that turning it "on" all the time sounds like a bad idea.

    To illustrate the different behaviors, this is what happens when you try to concatenate two files with <EOL>:

    $ cat file1    $ cat file2         $ cat file1 file2
    lorem ipsum    Le tramway jaune    lorem ipsum
    dolor sit      avance lentement    dolor sit
    amet           dans le             amet
                                       Le tramway jaune
                                       avance lentement 
                                       dans le

    and this is what happens when you try to concatenate two files without <EOL>:

    $ cat file1    $ cat file2         $ cat file1 file2
    lorem ipsum    Le tramway jaune    lorem ipsum
    dolor sit      avance lentement    dolor sit
    amet           dans le             ametLe tramway jaune
                                       avance lentement 
                                       dans le

    The first behavior is the expected behavior. The reason why Vim and many (if not most) UNIX-y programs default to the terminator interpretation and to adding an <EOL> character at the end of the last line is because POSIX defines this and Vim is POSIX compliant.

    The picture below shows a simple file with <EOL> created with nano (it would be the same with Vim) and opened in Eclipse, TextMate, Sublime Text, Vim, Xcode and TextEdit.

    (edit) There is no line 4 in this file and the only editor of the bunch that displays the file correctly is Vim. A line number column's only purpose is to provide information on the buffer. Showing 4 lines where there are only 3 is a gross mistake. (endedit)

    This picture shows another simple file without <EOL> created with Sublime Text and opened in the same editors/IDEs.
