I'm trying to resolves one architectural issue, but I want to find best suitable approach.
I have game scene GameLayer.h which is my view in this case. I have also GameEngine class which I'm trying to be controller. I have my custom Egg class derived from CCNode and some timer logic implemented via schedule in Egg class. I have many Egg object on game scene added via addChild method. So GameEngine.m imports GameLayer.h, and GameLayer.m imports Egg.h
After timer in each Egg runs out, I want to be notified, i.e run some actions, increase score etc. Question is what is the best way to implement such situation. Also I want to obey MVC rule Quick solutions which comes in my mind are
Please help, any examples are appreciated
More options:
1. Use NSNotificationCenter. Your Eggs will post notifications, and your GameLayer will observe.
2. Use a protocol. Example:
// in Egg.h
@class Egg;
@protocol EggDelegate
// an example method
-(void)egg:(Egg *)egg hadSomethingHappen:(int)parameter;
@interface Egg: CCNode
@property (weak) id<EggDelegate> delegate;
// in Egg.m
/// something happened and delegate has to be notified?
[self.delegate egg:self hadSomethingHappen:someNumber];
Then declare GameLayer to support this protocol:
@interface GameLayer : CCLayer <EggDelegate>
implement protocol's methods in GameLayer and make it delegate of your Egg objects:
// somewhere in GameLayer
Egg *egg = [Egg node];
egg.delegate = self;
//protocol implementation
-(void)egg:(Egg *)egg hadSomethingHappen:(int)parameter
// do something