I have a text file of a data set. It lists two variables: the individual it comes from and a particular value associated with that individual. For convenience, let's say it's a person and arbitrary weight measurements through their life.
The file is set up as follows (with headers):
person weight #header line
individual_1 arbitrary_weight_value
individual_2 arbitrary_weight_value
individual_3 arbitrary_weight_value
individual_1 arbitrary_weight_value
And so on. I am trying to use R to create a density plot of each individuals weights. The total density plot of all weights is done as follows:
d <- density(my_data$weight)
However, I want an individual density plot for each person. How would I do that?
Is this dataframe similar to the actual data you have?
df <- data.frame(id = rep(LETTERS[1:8], 10), weight = as.integer(rnorm(80, 80, 10)))
> head(df)
id weight
1 A 78
2 B 72
3 C 76
4 D 58
5 E 84
6 F 78
ggplot(df, aes(x=weight)) +
geom_density(alpha=.2, fill="#FF6666") +
facet_wrap( ~ id, nrow=2)