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Changing color on dojo charting ThreeD theme

I am displaying a graph using the ThreeD theme from dojo charting. When I modify the data so I can show a different color for certain bars in the graph, I lose the 3D look.

Default color for ThreeD them is red

{y:"15",tooltip: "15 Alarms",fill: 'yellow'}

Adding 'fill: yellow' on the data item changes the bar to yellow, but I lose the 3D look.

Any ideas on the best way to change the main theme color and keep 3d look??


  • I was able to accomplish this by grabbing the code from ThreeD.js and applying it to my app:

    var colors = ["#f00", "#0f0", "#00f", "#ff0", "#0ff", "#f0f", "dojox/charting/themes/common"];
    var defaultFill = {type: "linear", space: "shape", x1: 0, y1: 0, x2: 100, y2: 0};
        // 3D cylinder map is calculated using dojox.gfx3d
    var cyl3dMap = [
            {o: 0.00, i: 174}, {o: 0.08, i: 231}, {o: 0.18, i: 237}, {o: 0.30, i: 231},
            {o: 0.39, i: 221}, {o: 0.49, i: 206}, {o: 0.58, i: 187}, {o: 0.68, i: 165},
            {o: 0.80, i: 128}, {o: 0.90, i: 102}, {o: 1.00, i: 174}
    var hiliteIndex = 2;
    var hiliteIntensity = 100;
    var lumStroke = 50;
    var cyl3dFills =, function(c){
        var fill = lang.delegate(defaultFill);
        var colors = fill.colors = gradientGenerator.generateGradientByIntensity(c, cyl3dMap),
            hilite = colors[hiliteIndex].color;
            // add highlight
            hilite.r += hiliteIntensity;
            hilite.g += hiliteIntensity;
            hilite.b += hiliteIntensity;
            return fill;

    When I create the JSON string for the graph data, I use cyl3dFill[x] to set the color:

    {y: "10", tooltip: "10 Alarms", fill: cyl3dFill[3]}  //Sets 3D Yellow fill

    If fill is not added to the data record, default colors are assumed (Red). Not sure if this is a bad approach or not, but I like it....

    Not sure what the next method does with the ThreeD theme, but it looks like it changes the color of the theme. Can't get the method to work...