I have 2 Doctrine tables that are linked with a ManyToMany relationship.
Table: entries
TabLe: tags
I would like to be able to find the entries that have multiple or one tag(s) matching every tags that I input.
Ex: En entry "foo" have the tag "1" and "2". If I try to find every entries by the tag "1", I find this entry, if I do another search for both "1" and "2" I find it again, but if I add a search for the tag "3", then the value is not matched.
So far I have found some easy methods to implement such thing with an OR, but it doesn't give me the results I want and I don't really know how I could make that kind of search with Doctrine 2.
Normaly I would use the relation table to do that, but I don't know if it's possible under Doctrine.
Not really sure if I understood, but try if this works:
//class EntryRepository
public function yourFunction($tags)
return $this->createQueryBuilder("o")
->innerJoin("o.Tags", "t", "WITH", "t.name IN :tags")
->setParameter("tags", $tags)
This will return entries that have at least one of the tags in $tags array. If that is what you want, you might also play with
->addSelect( "COUNT(t.id) as HIDDEN relevance")->groupBy("o.id")
That would return results in order of how many tags are matched, but I didn't test it.