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Maven vs. Eclipse Project Facets for Java EE 6

I have created Maven projects inside Eclipse with these archetypes:

  • ejb-javaee6
  • webapp-javaee6

The projects were created without facets.

Does it make sense to convert such Maven projects into faceted form?

Which facets would be helpful and which ones could cause trouble for a Maven project?

Specifically: Would any of the following project facets be in conflict with something that is in the responsibility of Maven?

  • Java
  • JavaScript
  • EJB Module
  • Dynamic Web Module
  • GlassFish Deployment Descriptors Files
  • JavaServer Faces

I have the impression that converting a Maven project to faceted form would mean mixing two worlds. Therefore I tend to NOT enable ANY project facets.

But where I work we have examples of Maven projects that are in faceted form and I was wondering whether there might be (risk-free) benefits to it.


  • Eclipse facets and maven archetypes are orthogonal - i.e. they have no influence on each other, or rather no knowledge of each other. You can safely add the facets if it will facilitate your work with eclipse.