I recently added a feature to a large application written in Delphi (version 2009) that allows the user to drag files from Windows explorer and drop them on a TcxGrid control. I achieved this via the common method of attaching my own window proc to the grid and intercepting the WM_DROPFILES message:
originalGridWindowProc := cxGrid.WindowProc; // remember the old one
cxGrid.WindowProc := GridWindowProc; // assign the new one
DragAcceptFiles(cxGrid.Handle, LongBool(True)); // setup to accept dropped files
I now am trying to enhance this feature to detect when the user drops a file onto an existing row in the grid, which will begin the process of overwriting an existing file with a new version.
My first thought was to see if the grid control's mouseover event would work. It does, but not during the drag operation.
I then used a program called Winspector to see what messages were being sent to the grid control as the mouse is moved over the grid, and I can now detect what row the mouse is over and highlight it. I'm using the same technique as above, but in this case I am overriding the window proc for the GridSite and not the grid itself, because that is where the messages appear to be going according to Winspector:
originalGridSiteWindowProc := cxGrid.ActiveView.Site.WindowProc;
cxGrid.ActiveView.Site.WindowProc := GridSiteWindowProc;
Here is the body of GridSiteWindowProc:
procedure Tfrm.GridSiteWindowProc(var message: TMessage);
hitTest: TcxCustomGridHitTest;
gridRecord: TcxCustomGridRecord;
case message.Msg of
hitTest := cxGrid.ActiveView.GetHitTest(cxGrid.ScreenToClient(Mouse.CursorPos));
if hitTest is TcxGridRecordCellHitTest then begin
gridRecord := TcxGridRecordCellHitTest(HitTest).GridRecord;
if Not gridRecord.Focused then
gridRecord.Focused := True;
As you can see, I'm trapping the WM_NCHITTEST message to achieve this. According to Winspector, this message also gets sent to the grid site window during the drag operation, but if I uncomment that Log() statement which will output the message value to a string list (which I manually dump to a memo field afterwards), I have determined that for some reason, I only get one or two of these messages when dragging a file over the grid.
Now - here's the interesting part: if I have Winspector running and monitoring messages going to that window, I suddenly start getting all the WM_NCHITTEST messages during the file drag operation. This is also the case if I output the integer value of all the messages coming to the window proc directly to a separate log window instead of to a string list buffer first. I am hoping that someone will be able to offer some clue as to why this is happening or how to get this to work.
Rather than using the WM_DROPFILES message, you should use OLE Drag'n'Drop. Look at the RegisterDropTarget API. You can get more detailed information about where a drag or drop is taking place. You can also accept more kinds of drag objects.