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C# Override virtual function without having to implement another class

I am trying to override a virtual function only for a single defined element (without having to create another class that implements it and then adding a function to override it..).


public class MyClass
    public virtual bool ChangeStatus(String status)
        return false;

void test()
    //The following is written as an example of what I am trying to achieve & does not work
    MyClass blah = new MyClass()
        public override bool ChangeStatus(String status)
            return true;

Any idea how to achieve this?



  • if you have control over MyClass, you can let the desired method call a delegate which can be replaced for every single object at runtime...

    class MyClass
        public void Func<SomeParameterType,SomeReturnType> myDelegate {get;set;}
        public SomeReturnType myFunction(SomeParameterType parameter)
                throw new Exception();
            return myDelegate(parameter);
    MyClass obj = new MyClass();
    SomeParameterType p = new SomeParameterType();
    obj.myDelegate = (x)=>new SomeReturnType(x);
    SomeReturnType result = obj.myFunction(p);