I am writing a simple EchoServer
class, inheriting from QTcpServer
. And when I connect signal and slot in the constructor, it does not go well.
class EchoServer : public QTcpServer {
EchoServer(int listenling_port) {
this->listen(QHostAddress(), listenling_port);
connect(this, SIGNAL(newConnection()), this, SLOT(HandleIncomingConnection()));
public slots:
void HandleIncomingConnection() {
auto echo_handler = EchoServerHandler(this->nextPendingConnection());
The application does listen to the port, and can be telneted. But the console displays
"QObject::connect: No such slot QTcpServer::HandleIncomingConnection()",
which seems it is recognizing this
as a base class QTcpServer
Also if I leave Q_OBJECT
in the code, it would not compile, saying
"error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual struct QMetaObject const * __thiscall EchoServer::metaObject(void)const " (?metaObject@EchoServer@@UBEPBUQMetaObject@@XZ)",
are they related?
You need to leave Q_OBJECT
in your code, and you need a destructor to go with your class.
You might need to run "Clean Project" on your code to fix that linker error.
Also check out Q_OBJECT linker error!
Hope that helps.