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Interview_Question on Custom Exception in C#

I faced a question on Custom Exceptions in an Interview. As below there are four multiple catches which catch each custom exception. Interviewer asked me to write a pseudo code for catch blocks how i can handle all four custom exceptions.

enter image description here

I answered as

        {   try 
                try { }
                catch (DEx dEx) { Console.WriteLine(dEx.Message); }
            catch (BEx bEx) { Console.WriteLine(bEx.Message); }
            catch (CEx cEx) { Console.WriteLine(cEx.Message); }
        catch (AEx aEx) { Console.WriteLine(aEx.Message); }  

Is it correct or wrong?


  • CEx and DEx inherits for BEx and BEx inherits from AEx. So exception hanlding should start from bottom to up. Base exception last.

           // statements causing exception
        catch( CEx cEx )
           // error handling for CEx
        catch( DEx dEx )
           // error handling for DEx
        catch( BEx bEx )
           // error handling for BEx
        catch( AEx aEx )
           // error handling for AEx
           // statements to be executed