Here is the situation, I have this string table, in a .res
file and I have some strings loaded into one of the forms, say Form1. On a form on I want to popup a message box with a message loaded from the string table using LoadResString(1234)
Is it possible that when Resource ID 1234 contains "This is testing vbNewline This is a new line!."
that string will be loaded using the said function onto the message box (popup box)?
I've tested it: It will also print out the "vbNewline"
command and NOT parse it. Is there any other way to parse the said string making this kind of message ?
This is testing
This is new line!.
I wanted that kind of message to appear.
You are trying to put a VB constant in a String expression so it is treating it like text, you can try using the Replace Function ( I realize this is a .Net link but the signature is the same as the VB6 method) to remove your string and substitute the correct value something like this should work:
MsgBox (Replace(LoadResString(1234), "vbNewLine", vbNewLine))
or create a function like this:
Public Function ParseNewLine(value As String) As String
ParseNewLine = Replace(value, "vbNewLine", vbNewLine)
End Function
and call it like this:
MsgBox (ParseNewLine(LoadResString(1234)))