I am doing project euler question 33 and have divised a refactor to solve it but I can't think of how to remove the digit if it is the same across both x
and y
I got this far:
import Ratio
import List
p33 = [ (x%y) | y <- [10..99] , x <- [10..y], (x `rem` 10) /= 0 , (y `rem` 10) /= 0 , x /= y , (length $ nub $ concat $ map decToList [x,y]) == 3 , [numerator(x%y),denominator(x%y)] == WHAT GOES HERE? ]
The cancelling of 0's is not allowed. What it should do is:
49/98 {cancel the 9's}
to get:
4/8 as the result. But I can't think of how to remove the common digits from each number.
Let x
and y
be the two numbers. Then one can remove the digits in x
which it has in common with y
like this:
Prelude> import Data.List
Prelude Data.List> let x = 68
Prelude Data.List> let y = 76
Prelude Data.List> read (show x \\ show y) :: Int
Flip x
and y
to remove digits from y
. This uses xs
, which removes the first occurrence of each element in ys
from xs
Edit: you may have solved problem 33 by now. If not, let me give you some more hints:
The code which I gave above, i.e. read (show x \\ show y)
is not really suitable for this problem. What happens if x
equals ab and y
equals ba, for some digits a and b?
The solution to this problem can be written as a single list comprehension. You may want to use Data.List.intersect
and Data.List.nub
to create the following term in your list comprehension:
s <- nub $ intersect (show x) (show y)
Now s
ranges over the digits that x
and y
have in common. You can remove these from x
and y
map (read . delete s . show) [x, y]
I cannot be more explicit without solving the exercise for you, but I'll leave you with two more hints:
y <- [10..99], x <- [10..y], x /= y
. Observe that this can be written more succinctly as y <- [10..99], x <- [10..y-1]
, which provides an easy way to test the equality of rational numbers and automatically calculates the numerator and denominator of a fraction in its reduced form.