I would like to add captions such as "Figure 1: Blah Blah" to my images in Pandoc and be able to refer to them like see @Figure1. I am using gpp (a pre-processor) to add captions to my images and do all sorts of fancy things like change size, format etc. However, I am unable to implement a counter for images like Figure1, Figure2, etc.
I have defined the following function in my gpp script:
\defeval{count}{\eval{\counter+ 1}
and I call it like this in my script: \count
However, \counter
doesnt get evaluated in my gpp script and I see the following error: unfinished macro
How should I implement this counter? I am using -T (tex) mode in gpp
I have found a somewhat partial solution to my problem. I found that using CSS's counter-increment property can help to auto-number images like so: http://www.w3schools.com/cssref/pr_gen_counter-reset.asp
However, the problem remains that I am using gpp to copy the same piece of code everytime my gpp tag is called. Therefore, the counter would never increment. For eg: my gpp code is:
<div style=" margin:50px auto; text-align:center;" class="figures">
<a href="\src" id="\tag" style="margin:0px 20px; display:inline-block;
text-decoration:none; color:black; "><img src="\src" width="\width px"
alt="\caption" style="padding-bottom:0.5em;"> <div> \caption </div></a></div>}
<span style="white-space:nowrap;"><a href="#\label" style="display:inline-block">\label</a></span>
My style.css looks like this:
div .figures{
content: "Figure" counter(figure) ":";
Therefore, everytime I include a picture with the tag \image
, it always gets the counter Figure1