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How to remap number keys and number key special characters in VIM

I am trying to remap the * operator in VIM. I have tried nnoremap <*> and nnoremap <S-8> to no avail. I haven't been able to find any instructions on how to properly do this. How can I remap my *, or any number keys/number key special characters?

Since many of you will no doubt wonder why anyone would want to do this, it's so I can make my * operator behave like normal, except not advance automatically to the next occurrence of the word under cursor (see under section Highlight Matches Without Moving).


The complete command I'm working with is this:

nnoremap <*> :let @/='\<<C-R>=expand("<cword>")<CR>\>'<CR>:set hls<CR>

Where * remaps the functionality of * or <shift + 8>


  • Getting rid of the < and > works for me.

    nnoremap * :let @/='\<<C-R>=expand("<cword>")<CR>\>'<CR>:set hls<CR>