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Exception is only caught with `rescue` at the end of the line but not when using a `begin rescue` block

I have a statement that fails:

result = service.load_data()

Now the following suppresses the error and I can then check for nil

result = service.load_data() rescue nil

But when I do the following the initial error is thrown right up to the UI and I don't get the details of the exception.

   result = service.load_data()
rescue => details         
   logger.fatal "Failed to load the data: #{details}"

I am sure there is a silly detail I must be missing but I can't seem to spot the problem here. So why isn't the rescue block invoked?

Update: The error I got was this:

getaddrinfo: nodename nor servname provided, or not known


  • begin
       result = service.load_data()
    rescue AnExceptionKlass => details    # here the name is SocketError    
       logger.fatal "Failed to load the data: #{details}"

    use the above.

    tried to replicate the error here as below:

    require 'net/http'
    Net::HTTP.start('') do |http|
    response = http.get('/')
    puts response
    #=> getaddrinfo: No such host is known.  (SocketError)

    Fixed it as below:

    require 'net/http'
      htt = Net::HTTP.start('')
      response = htt.get('/')
      puts response
    rescue SocketError => details    # or the Exception class name may be SocketError    
       p "Failed to load the data: #{details}"
    #=> "Failed to load the data: getaddrinfo: No such host is known. "