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Yahoo! messenger API & PHP

So i have the API documentation, i have it working as far as logging me in. When i try to send an error the class just has return true so that does not help much. The IM is not being sent so i changed the class to return why it is not being sent.

> Fetching request token > Fetching access token > Signon as: {MY_ACCOUNT} >  {"error":{"code":-1005,"detail":"Invalid Argument Error","description":"Invalid Argument Error"},"code":-1005}

Trying to send the IM uses

$sendIm = $engine->send_message($toAddress, 'TEST');


I have tried

$toAddress = 'theirAddress';


$toAddress = '';

Looking at shows that -1005 is a "bad argument", however there are only 2 passed into the IM function, to & msg, both of which are correct. Anyone else have this issue? Anyone with any ideas?


  • Ok, it is now figured out for anyone else who has this issue, in the class's "send_message" function

    $postdata = '{"message" : '. $message. '}';

    is WRONG and needs to be

    $postdata = '{"message" : "'. $message. '"}';

    Notice the quotes around $message. This is all it took! Simple typo in the API.