I am creating indexed sections for a table view to display song titles from the iPod Library. To accomplish this, I am utilizing sectionForObject:collationStringSelector: in a loop through all mediaItems from a song query. The following code executes in viewDidLoad in order to obtain the number of sections and number of rows per section of the table:
// Go through the collection of songs and collate them into sections A-Z
for (MPMediaItemCollection *arrayItem in itemsFromSongQuery) {
MPMediaItem *representativeItem = [arrayItem representativeItem]; // grab the next object from the collection
NSString *songName = [representativeItem valueForProperty: MPMediaItemPropertyTitle];
MPMediaItemArtwork *artWork = [representativeItem valueForProperty: MPMediaItemPropertyArtwork];
channelButtonTitles *aChannelButtonTitle = [[channelButtonTitles alloc] init]; // create an object to hold both the title and section number
aChannelButtonTitle.channelTitle = songName; // save the song name string in this object
aChannelButtonTitle.channelSubTitle = [representativeItem valueForProperty: MPMediaItemPropertyArtist]; // save the artists string in this object
aChannelButtonTitle.artwork = [artWork imageWithSize:CGSizeMake(30, 30)]; // save the artwork UIImage object
aChannelButtonTitle.persistentID = [representativeItem valueForProperty:MPMediaEntityPropertyPersistentID]; // save this unique number in case the user wants to play this
// Then determine which section number it belongs to.
// The collator will use the channelTitle property of the aChannelButtonTitle object to make this determination
NSInteger sect = [theCollation sectionForObject:aChannelButtonTitle collationStringSelector:@selector(channelTitle)];
aChannelButtonTitle.sectionNumber = sect; // Save the section number that this title string should be assigned to.
[tempTitles addObject:aChannelButtonTitle]; // Copy the channelButtonTitles object that contains the title and section number in the temp array
[aChannelButtonTitle release]; // Release the channelButtonTitles object
Unfortunately, for 2000 songs, this takes nearly 15 seconds. The time to allocate the channelButtonTitle object and the execution time of the sectionForObject:collationStringSelector: are both negligible.
It seems that much of this time is spent in the lines that obtain valueForProperty, although the line:
MPMediaItem *representativeItem = [arrayItem representativeItem];
takes 5 seconds.
How can I improve the performance of creating the indexed sections (or at least improve the time that the user is waiting for something to happen)?
An even better way to handle this is to use an NSOperationQueue and NSOperation. A nice tutorial that is relevant to this question can be found here.