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Setting the properties of items in an customview in iOS

I am creating a customView and for example, would like to set the text color of the label and initialise the text of the label.

The initWithFrame is the generic function.

- (id)initWithFrame:(CGRect)frame
    self = [super initWithFrame:frame];
    if (self) {
        // Initialization code
    return self;

I have tried initialising the label in the initWithFrame, but it doesn't work. But when I do it in awakeFromNib, it allows me to set the text color but not the text(this value comes from a dictionary)

    //setting of the label textcolor

What would be the correct way to initialise the color and text of labels and other stuff?

Need some suggestions and guidance...


   [self updateViewWithDictionary:dictPassed];

Something like this?


  • What I do in some project's is expose a public method like so:

    - (void)updateViewWithDictionary:(NSDictionary *)confDictionary;

    In that dictionary I pass the parameters I want, and inside the UIView's subview I update it according to what I want.

    Edit 1:

    Read wrongly your question, sorry. You have a custom UIView that you would like to be updated when your UIViewController starts, or when you actually use it. So you should have something like this:

    @interface MyView : UIView
    - (void)updateViewWithDictionary:(NSDictionary *)confDictionary;

    And from your viewDidLoad:

       [self.customView updateViewWithDictionary:dictPassed];