I have Link
model in Sinatra app
class Link
include DataMapper::Resource
has n, :views
validates_presence_of :url,
message: "You must specify a URL."
validates_length_of :url,
maximum: 4096,
allow_blank: true,
message: "That URL is too long."
validates_format_of :url,
with: %r{^(https?|ftp)://.+}i,
allow_blank: true,
message: "The URL must start with http://, https://, or ftp:// ."
property :id, Serial
property :url, String
property :token, String
property :created_at, DateTime
How to set up something like attr_accessible :url, :token
You may use the DataMapper::MassAssignmentSecurity
module from the gem dm-rails
class Link
include DataMapper::Resource
include DataMapper::MassAssignmentSecurity
attr_accessible :url, :token
# ...