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Alternatives for list methods for IE?

I am looking for a way to do node.classList.contains("foo") in Internet Exploder 7-9 without needing to refactor major portions of my code. This method is present in all other browsers (even IE10).

I have found Code with classList does not work in IE? but I dont understand how I would use this for replacing the .contains() method.

I already do have code that let's me run isolated code for certain browsers only, so giving IE some extra or different code isn't a problem.

Is there a way to add said method via classList's prototype or some other handy way to work with className?


  • This just isn't possible.

    At first glance, you'd have thought you'd have been able to patch your own classList implementation into HTMLElement if it didn't exist already;

    if (!("classList" in document.createElement("div"))) {
        HTMLElement.prototype.classList = {
            contains: function () {


    1. Your contains implementation has no way to access the DOMElement (this is the classList object, not the element
    2. Extending DOM objects in older IE just doesn't work.

    Your only option is to replace all your usage of classList with your own wrapper function, which uses the classList functionality if available, and falls back to your own implementation if it doesn't.

    var classListWrapper = (function () {
        if ("classList" in document.createElement("div")) {
          return {
            add: function (el, class) {
            remove: function (el, class) {
            // etc.
        } else {
          return {
            add: function (el, class) {
              el.className += ' ' + class;
            remove: function (el, class) {
              el.className = (' ' + el.className + ' ').replace(' ' + class + ' ', ' ');
            // etc.

    ... and then in your code use classListWrapper.add(element, class) instead.