Consider below scenario:
When I start the target machine, & have windbg running on debugger machine, the connection between windbg & windows kernel gets established properly & I am able to debug as per what I want.
My problem is:
When the connection is established, there is no way to detatch the kernel debugging & allow it to run as stand-alone.
I often need to remove / re-install driver. Having the debugger attached is completely un-necessarily for this & it makes the installation very slow.
Simple solution is not starting windbg at all. But is there a way to just detatch debugger & allow the system to free-run, after the connection was established? Currently, detatching the debugger keeps the target system in frozen state, allowing the user to be re-connected again.
NOTE: Any hacky way is welcome too. There is no clean way. (known to me at least.)
Not that I'm aware of. I remember at some point (XP, maybe?) the target machine would time out after a while (30-60 seconds) and continue running, but I don't think that's true any longer.
Can you use .kdfiles instead of uninstalling/re-installing? Or, even better, switch to 1394.