I’m looking for the most standard way to get a list of running processes (and services) on a Windows machine. It’s important not to use « modern » stuff because I’ll deploy that program on old servers.
Any idea?
As skp mentioned, the tasklist command can do it (tested on Windows XP).
Here is a small script that creates a hash of processes by PID:
use warnings;
use strict;
my @procs = `tasklist`;
#Find position of PID based on the ===== ====== line in the header
my $pid_pos;
if ($procs[2] =~ /^=+/)
$pid_pos = $+[0]+1;
die "Unexpected format!";
my %pids;
for (@procs[3 .. $#procs])
#Get process name and strip whitespace
my $name = substr $_,0,$pid_pos;
$name =~s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
#Get PID
if (substr($_,$pid_pos) =~ /^\s*(\d+)/)
$pids{$1} = $name;
use Data::Dumper;
print Dumper %pids;
Another approach that might be useful is Win32::Process::List
. It gets the process list using core Windows C functions. It appears to work with old versions of Perl.