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Is jeromq production ready?

I've used ZeroMQ in the past with with JVM applications via the jzmq library. I am planning on using zeromq on a new project where some of the services are implemented on the JVM. I just discovered jeromq, a pure java implementation of zeromq, and I would like to use it mostly since it is tracking zeromq 3.x and it removes the headache of dealing with jzmq. However, I can't tell from the repo page if it is production ready. Does anyone have experience with jeromq in production?


  • As the author of the project, I'm a little bit biased.

    The reason I made jeromq was I also had some trouble with deploying jzmq having JNI.

    The project has a short history but keep improving from feedbacks and contributions.

    But it's not a replacement of jzmq. Both project are active and driven by a major community. You can get help from the community and contribute to the projects also.

    From the 3.0-SNAPSHOT, it has a API level compatibility. You can switch between jeromq and jzmq easily without changing your code.