I have a dexterity content type in Plone 4.2.4. The versioning works fine with the default workflow
for this content type, although it is not a workflow shipped with plone, but a custom made.
However, when I enable a second workflow for the same type, everything but the versioning works fine.
The difference:
names for the workflows, which seems to make sense, to have a catalogable field for the state of the second workflow.I've tried to use the same state variable name, but that didn't help. I have the workflow variable review_history
also set in the 2nd workflow and sufficient permissions in the context.
I am (mostly) shure, that I got the permission concept, but I have no clou, how permissions get calculated, when multiple workflows are involved.
Any idea, why the second workflow does not leave a trace in my content types history?
Thanks very much in advance.
I've reordered the workflows as Ida Ebkes suggested and did see, that all transitions from the 2nd workflow get stored properly. So it seems to be an issue with the historyview.
Since these workflows indeed describe concurrent behaviors of a content type, I really would like to stick with separate workflows and ideally different workflow state variables and catalog indexes.
What I now think needs to be done, is to tweak the historyview.
Here is how I did it. It works for plone 4.2.4 at least.
Since the problem was a display problem, I just had to tweak my historyviewlet. Therefore, I created a folder named viewlets
in my product root and created a __init__.py
and a configure.zcml
file. Then i copied content_history.pt
, history_view.pt
, review_history.pt
and content.py
from plone/app/layout/viewlets/
(omelette) to the newly created folder.
The configure.zcml
contains two view registrations:
Furthermore, I copied the whole WorkflowHistoryViewlet
class from content.py
to a different class name. TransferHistory
in this case. Then I changed mostly the part that corresponds to the workflow state variable, which was not review_state
, but transfer_state
. I further found that the initial usage of the 2nd workflow creates also a created
entry in the history of the 2nd workflow, that I just filtered .
transfer_history = [x for x in transfer_history if x['action'] != None]
The I corrected the view name in history_view.pt
to my new view name.
<div tal:replace="structure here/@@my-contenthistory">Content History</div>
Finally, I added my class as parent to the ContentHistoryViewlet
class in content.py
class ContentHistoryViewlet(WorkflowHistoryViewlet, TransferHistoryViewlet):
index = ViewPageTemplateFile("content_history.pt")
def getUserInfo(self, userid):
def fullHistory(self):
history = self.workflowHistory() + self.revisionHistory() + self.transferHistory()
if len(history) == 0:
return None
history.sort(key=lambda x: x["time"], reverse=True)
return history
and registered the .zcml in the products configure.zcml
<include package=".viewlets" />
Then I modified content_history.pt
and also changed the definition of action_id
in the upper part of the file.
action_id python:item['action'] or item.get('review_state', False) or item.get('transfer_state', False);
After rebooting the monster and a product reinstall, all state changes from both workflows are shown in the my-historyview.