Can NcML be used to aggregate 3D and 4D grids? I wasn't sure since they differ in the number of dimensions. e.g. sea surface height (ssh) and water temperature, where ssh has three dimensions [time, lat, lon] and temp has four dimensions [time, depth, lat, lon]? My tests have been unsuccessful so my hunch is that I must break the 3D and 4D variables into separate catalogs. But I'm hoping others might have alternative suggestions?
While I tried using a "union" aggregation with the snippet below, the time dimension did not get mapped appropriately because the 3D variables begin 2008-12-28 and the 4D variables begin 2008-05-08:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<netcdf xmlns="">
<attribute name="title" value="HYCOM test aggregation #1"/>
<aggregation type="union">
<!-- These are the 3D variables: -->
<netcdf location="dods://"/>
<!-- These are the 4D variables: -->
<netcdf location="dods://"/>
<netcdf location="dods://"/>
<netcdf location="dods://"/>
<netcdf location="dods://"/>
I then tried a "joinExisting" aggregation on the "time" dimension, but this only works if the datasets each contain the same variables (which they don't). Depending on which dataset I list first in my aggregation, either the 3D or 4D variables get excluded in the following example:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<netcdf xmlns="">
<attribute name="title" value="HYCOM test aggregation #2"/>
<aggregation dimName="time" type="joinExisting">
<!-- These are the 3D variables: -->
<netcdf location="dods://"/>
<!-- These are the 4D variables: -->
<aggregation type="union">
<netcdf location="dods://"/>
<netcdf location="dods://"/>
<netcdf location="dods://"/>
<netcdf location="dods://"/>
So, is there no way to aggregate these datasets? Must I keep the 3D and 4D variables separate?
Thanks!, John Maurer Pacific Islands Ocean Observing System (PacIOOS) University of Hawaii at Manoa
Since the files you want to join have different time coordinates but have the same name, you need to rename one of them. I would have thought that this simple NcML would have worked, simply renaming the dimension and name of the time dimension and time variable in the 3D data
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<netcdf xmlns="">
<attribute name="title" value="HYCOM test aggregation #1"/>
<aggregation type="union">
<!-- These are the 3D variables: -->
<netcdf location="dods://">
<dimension name="time2d" orgName="time"/>
<variable name="time2d" orgName="time"/>
<!-- These are the 4D variables: -->
<netcdf location="dods://"/>
<netcdf location="dods://"/>
<netcdf location="dods://"/>
<netcdf location="dods://"/>
but it does not, because somehow NetCDF-Java seems to be adding an attribute _CoordinateAxes
with the values "time lon lat" before we change the variable and dimension names. So if we remove that attribute from the 3D data, it works:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<netcdf xmlns="">
<attribute name="title" value="HYCOM test aggregation #1"/>
<aggregation type="union">
<!-- These are the 3D variables: -->
<netcdf location="dods://">
<dimension name="time2d" orgName="time"/>
<variable name="time2d" orgName="time"/>
<variable name="qtot">
<remove type="attribute" name="_CoordinateAxes"/>
<variable name="emp">
<remove type="attribute" name="_CoordinateAxes"/>
<variable name="t_trend">
<remove type="attribute" name="_CoordinateAxes"/>
<variable name="s_trend">
<remove type="attribute" name="_CoordinateAxes"/>
<variable name="ssh">
<remove type="attribute" name="_CoordinateAxes"/>
<variable name="mld">
<remove type="attribute" name="_CoordinateAxes"/>
<variable name="mlp">
<remove type="attribute" name="_CoordinateAxes"/>
<!-- These are the 4D variables: -->
<netcdf location="dods://"/>
<netcdf location="dods://"/>
<netcdf location="dods://"/>
<netcdf location="dods://"/>
Here's a a screenshot from ToolsUI of the resulting dataset, where you can see the 3D and 4D variables: